Ugrás a tartalomhoz

World Wetland Day 2012

The central event for WWD2012 in Hungary was organised jointly by the Ministry of Rural Development and the Kiskunsági National Park Directorate in the “Nature House” of the National Park. Approximately 50 participants from environmental organisations, NGOs and local governments attended the event.  

 The presentations covered a wide range of topics on the central theme, Wetlands and Tourism, including a general overview of the situation in Hungary, the opportunities and practices of the Kiskunsági National Park Directorate, with a particular focus on the Pusztaszer Ramsar Site and Landscape Protection Area, as well as a comprehensive outlook on the tourism practices of numerous wetland sites around the world. The morning programme ended with a summary of the experiences gained during the ten years of the Tata Wild Goose Festival.  


In the afternoon, participants had an opportunity to watch a new and very popular Hungarian film “Wild Hungary” on the natural heritage of Hungary, focusing on the life of a pair of White-tailed Eagles and on an Otter. The “hard core” participants visited the Büdösszék lake of the Pusztaszer Ramsar Site to brave the extreme cold temperature and view the flighting of Greater White-fronted Geese as well as Common Cranes to the frozen lake.

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