Ugrás a tartalomhoz

Invasive Alien Species


Regulations on the level of European Union

The European Parliament and the Council adopted Regulation No. 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species on 22 October 2014 that entered into force on 1 January 2015.

The regulation in English can be found here:

The regulation’s official Hungarian version can be found here:

The European Commission adopted Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1141 of 13 July 2016 adopting a list of invasive alien species of Union concern pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

The List of Invasive Alien Species of Union Concern can be found here (with Hungarian species names):



Hungarian aspects

The first step of the national legal harmonization process was the new law for correction in this topic entering into force on 1 January 2017. Some laws have been amended with respect to invasive alien plants.

2016. évi CXXXVII. törvény, egyes törvényeknek az idegenhonos inváziós fajok betelepítésének vagy behurcolásának és terjedésének megelőzésének és kezelésének összefüggésben történő módosításokról

The government regulation about the prevention of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species entered into force on 1 January 2017, designating the appropriate authorities.

408/2016 (XII. 13.) Korm. rendelet az idegenhonos inváziós fajok betelepítésének és behurcolásának és terjedésének megelőzéséről és kezeléséről



The gradual expansion of the invasive species is one of the greatest threats to the natural and close-to-natural habitats nowadays. Numerous species have penetrated beyondtheir natural range and started to spread, by way of deliberate or unintentional introduction. Due to their rapid spread, they endanger native species and to the impoverishment of biodiversity and habitats. Adventive plant species take over their environment, inhibit other species’ germination and growing (overshadow, nutrition deprivation, substances released) With the native species (flora) outcompeted, the native fauna loses the base of nutrition. To determine the problems caused by invasive animal species is usually more difficult than in adventive plant species, because their impact on the natural and close-to-natural habitats is more complex. For example, some species cause problems by consuming native species or by competing with them or by hybridising with them.



The basis of the list was compiled by botanists and nature conversation experts at the meeting called „The aggressive adventive species and nature conservation” held in Jósvafő, 11-13 March 1998 about the most dangerous invasive species and the Biological Invasions in Hungary; Adventive Species volumes’ lists helped.

It contains 33 terrestrial and 8 aquatic non-indigenous species which threaten the native flora and fauna in their natural habitats.

The list does not contain those species which connect with agricultural and settlement environment which have less importance from the nature conservation side; like common ragweed, marsh-elder, buttonweed and the native species which cause problems on the basis of their dynamics of spread: Phragmites, bushgrass, Rubus fruticosus.

The most dangerous terrestrial invasive species which can make huge nature conservation damage are written in bold in the text.


Terrestrial species

Acer negudno


Ailanthus altissima


Amorpha fruticosa

False Indigo (Indigobush)

Asclepias syriaca

Common Milkweed

Aster lanceolatus (contains A. tradescantii), A. novi-belgii, A. x salignus

Narrow-leaved michaelmas daisy

Celtis occidentalis

Sugarberry (common hackberry)

Cenchrus incertus

Coastal sandbur

Echinocystis lobata                     

Wild Cucumber

Elaeagnus angustifolia


Fallopia japonica, F.×bohemica, F. sachalinensis

Japanese Knotweed, , Giant Knotweed

Fraxinus pennsylvanica

Red Ash

Helianthus tuberosus s. l. (H. decapetalus auct.)

Jerusalem Artichoke (Thin-leaved Sunflower)

Heracleum mantegazzianum

Giant hogweed

Heracleum sosnowskyi

Sosnowky’s hogweed

Hordeum jubatum

Foxtrail barley

Humulus scandens

Japanese hop

Impatiens glandulifera

Policeman’s Helmet

Impatiens parviflora

Small balsam

Juncus tenuis

Slender rush

Padus serotina

American bird cherry

Parthenocissus inserta

Virginia creeper, Victoria creeper, five-leaved ivy, five-finger

Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Virginia creeper

Phytolacca americana

American pokeweed

Phytolacca esculenta

American pokeweed

Robinia pseudoacacia

False Acacia

Rudbeckia laciniata

Green-headed Coneflower

Solidago gigantea

Giant Golden Rod

Solidago canadensis

Canadian Golden Rod

Vitis vulpina

Frost grape


Aquatic species

Azolla caroliniana (A. filiculoides), A. mexicana

Carolina mosquito fern, (water fern), Mexican mosquito fern

Cabomba caroliniana

Green Cabomba

Elodea canadensis

Canadian waterweed

Elodea nuttallii

Nuttall’s waterweed

Hydrocotyle ranunculoides

Water pennywort

Lemna minuta

Least duckweed

Pistia stratiotes

Water cabbage


Invasive animal species

This list of invasive animal species was made by the Invasion Specialist Council and the employees of the Ministry, preceded by a long data collection. A species is considered invasive only if there is proof that the species somewhere already successfully overcame an ecological barrier by intentional or unintentional introduction and became invasive in the new environment. Because of this some species did not get on the list, because it could not be decided that they spread by natural ways or with human assistance. For example, Golden jackal or the  pontocaspian Goby species. Climate change can be another factor for the change of their spreading area but the actual list does not contain these species.

The main purpose of the list is to name those species which have to be intercepted in order to protect the natural flora and fauna. So it was important to evaluate those species which pose a threat to the native communities in the Carpathian Basin. It was very complicated to decide because unlike in plants,  the fauna’s effect on the natural environment is more difficult to detect. There is no national research result for numerous species yet, therefore, the foreign literature helped mostly. Furthermore those species which cause economic or human health problems; like house mouse, black rat or many introduce ants did not get on the list as the list focuses on damage to the natural habitats. Although the latter species sometimes cause minor damage to nature, it is dwarfed by their other damages.




Ondatra zibethicus


Nyctereutes procyonoides

Racoon dog

Dama dama

Fallow deer

Ovis musimon




Acipenser baeri


Clarias gareipinus

African sharptooth catfish

Ctenopharyngodon idella

Grass carp

Perccottus glehni

Chinese sleeper

Carassius auratus


Hypophthalmichtys molitrix X H. nobilis

Silver carp

Ameiurus melas

Black bullhead

Pseudorasbora parva

Stone moroko

Lepomis gibbosus


Micropterus salmoides

Largemouth bass

Oncorhynchus mykiss

Rainbow trout

Ameiurus nebulosus

Brown bullhead

Gasterosteus aculeatus

Three-spined stickback




Harmonia axyridis

Harlequin ladybeetle



Orconectes limosus

Spinycheek crayfish

Pacifastacus leniusculus

Signal crayfish

Eriocheir sinensis 

Chinese mitten crab



Arion ater

Black slug

Helix lucorum


Helix aspersa

Garden snail

Potamopyrgus antipodarum

New Zealand mudsnail

Arion lusitanicus

Portuguese slug

Gyraulus parvus

Ash gyro

Physella acuta

European physa

Synanodonta woodiana

Chinese pond mussel

Corbicula fluminea

Asian clam

Corbicula fluminalis


Dreissena polymorpha

Zebra mussel

Dresseina bugensis

Quagga mussel

Species with red lettering are the most harmful ones.



Invasive vertebrates



Sciurus carolinensis

Eastern grey squirrel

Tamisciurus hudsonicus

American red squirrel

Castor canadensis

North American beaver

Myocastor coypus


Procyon lotor


Mephitis mephitis

Striped skunk

Mustela vison

American mink

Cervus nippon

Sika deer



Cygnus atratus

Black swan

Branta canadensis

Canada goose

Alopochen aegyptiacus

Egyptian goose

Oxyura jamaicensis

Ruddy duck



Chrysemys picta

Painted turtle

Trachemys scripta elegans

Red-eared slider



Bombina orientalis

Oriental fire-bellied toad

Rana catesbeiana

American bullfrog



Mylopharyngodon piceus


Salvelinus fontinalis

Brook trout

Channa spp., Parachanna spp.

Snakehead fishes

Species with red lettering are the most harmful ones.

Az INVÁZIÓS fajokról dióhéjban
Özönnövények 1.
Özönnövények 2.
Európai stratégia az özönfajok ellen (hungarian translation)
„Nemszeretem” halak vizeinkben (szórólap)
Özönnövények Magyarországon (plakát)
Invasive Alien Species in Hungary (leaflet)
Invasive species of aquatic habitats and wetlands in Hungary (poster)
Özönnövények visszaszorításának gyakorlati tapasztalatai
Lágyszárú Özönnövények (plakát)
Fásszárú Özönnövények (plakát)
Inváziós növényfajok Magyarországon

Conferences, presentations

Kisné dr. Fodor Lívia: Az idegenhonos inváziós fajokkal kapcsolatos tevékenységek európai uniós szabályozásáról

dr. Váczi Olivér: Az idegenhonos inváziós fajokkal kapcsolatos uniós szintű szabályozás kialakításának folyamata, fajkiválasztási kritériumok

dr. Varga Ildikó: Az idegenhonos inváziós fajokkal kapcsolatos tevékenységek uniós szabályozásának hazai jogi vonatkozásai, jogharmonizáció

Czirák Zoltán: Az idegenhonos inváziós fajokkal kapcsolatos, ágazatokon átívelő, szerteágazó tevékenységek köre – felvezető előadás

dr. Botta Dukát Zoltán: Idegenhonos inváziós fajok terjedési útvonalai, idegenhonos inváziós növényfajok szabályozási lehetőségei

dr. Kézdy Pál – Korda Márton – dr. Csiszár Ágnes – dr. Bartha Dénes: Inváziós növény- és állatfajok előfordulása, hatása és kezelése hazai és európai védett területeken – egy internetes felmérés eredményei

dr. Gálhidy László: Nemzetközi és hazai tapasztalatok az idegenhonos inváziós fajok elleni fellépésben, a társadalmi szereplők közötti együttműködés lehetőségei

Bokor Veronika – Marczin Örs: Az idegenhonos inváziós fajok elleni fellépés finanszírozási kérdései

Sáv bezárása